Things to Keep in Mind When Considering Affordable Medical Schools: When a student decides to join a medical college, there are a few basic things that he should be aware of. A medical degree needs a commitment of four years with an estimated 3-7 years in residency. Since such a long period demands significant investment, it is essential that the student select the medical school wisely. A medical school should be chosen such that not only is it affordable but also offers the best study program that can help a candidate emerge successful by the end of their course. Let us look at some things to keep in mind when considering an affordable medical school.
Tips for choosing the best and affordable medical schools:
Research the best medical schools
Every medical school is different. So, it is crucial to analyze each to know which one can help you accomplish your goals. For this, check each school’s history and potential accomplishments in the medical field to understand the career path that it can pave for you. A university’s mission statement plays a significant role in understanding if it is the right fit for a candidate.
Check the acceptance rates
It is not easy to get admission to the best medical colleges. In such a scenario, having a clear idea about the admission criteria enhances the probability of acceptance.
Courses offered
Besides general MD, there are other programs that can be taken in a medical school. Each of these programs directs candidates towards a different path. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure if a particular medical school offers courses that match your interest. This step will help shortlist from among the number of medical schools on your list.
Expenses involved in getting admission to the college
Check the tuition fees of the college before applying. Other expenses include the service fees, hostel fees, and other costs incurred when you are moving out of your city to pursue the course.
Explore the financial aids available:
There are various scholarships available to students to reduce the financial stress of completing the medical degree successfully. There are certain criteria that need to be fulfilled to avail of such scholarships. We will find more about them in the next section. Applying for scholarships on time can help you significantly reduce your education expenses.
Contact the current medical students:
Once you shortlist a college, it is advisable to get in touch with the medical students of the current academic year as well as the alumni to receive their feedback about the institution. This will help you explore various aspects, know the drawbacks, if any, and be sure about the decision you have made until that point. This is more beneficial as compared to only reading the reviews online.
Scholarships available for students intending to join medical colleges
Medical scholarships are useful for students who intend to opt for courses like dental, pharm, and other allied courses apart from MBBS. Apart from government-sponsored aid, there are various other foundations, business groups as well as institutions that provide scholarships and stipends to support meritorious students.
Some examples of national and international scholarships are–
i. All India Pre-medical Scholarship Test
ii. Combined Counselling Board
iii. Nationwide Education and Scholarship Test (NEST Senior)
iv. HDFC Educational Crisis Scholarship
v. International Medical Scholarship Eligibility Test (IM-SET)
vi. L’Oréal India Scholarship
vii. Swami Dayanand Education Foundation Merit-cum-Means Scholarships
viii. Santoor Women’s Scholarship
ix. Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship
Things to Keep in Mind When Considering Affordable Medical Schools: Affordable MBBS colleges abroad
Students who wish to pursue medical studies abroad at an affordable cost can opt for Kyrgyzstan State Medical University which offers quality education. Similarly, there are various colleges in other countries too but it is important to first ensure if the candidate will be comfortable in those locations. It is advisable to meet an experienced education consultant for more information about the medical programs abroad. They will help in understanding the eligibility criteria to ease the admission process.
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Before choosing a medical college, it is essential to check the teaching style and the clinical work students will be subjected to for entering into the medical field successfully. A student has to be confident that after being admitted into a college and putting in their best effort, they are going to excel. With a large number of options, this can be a difficult decision. To make the process easier, you can follow our tips mentioned above and also check out websites like E-Gurukul for more information on the best colleges and get expert help for excelling in the admission tests conducted by the top universities.
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