In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, which generated a huge demand for healthcare workers at all levels across the nation, the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Post Graduate) 2021 has been formally scheduled for September 11, 2021. Now, the medical aspirants who are appearing for NEET PG 2022 must start preparing for the exam. In this article, we have provided important chapters (weightage-wise) for NEET PG 2022.
To achieve a 600+ score on the test, candidates are advised to study everything they can regarding the subject following the chapter weightage. The first step in passing the NEET-PG is to understand the section-wise distribution of questions. Before going through the essential NEET chapters, aA candidate must have a thorough grasp of the NEET test format and curriculum. An aspirant will, otherwise, lack the necessary momentum to begin their preparations for the exam.
What is NEET-PG?
NEET- PG or National Eligibility cum Entrance Test Postgraduate is a ranking and qualifying exam in India. It is for students interested in studying MS (MD) and diploma courses in private medical colleges and government.
Many students take the NEET-PG test after finishing their MBBS. To get excellent scores, candidates must be conversant with the whole curriculum and the weighting given to each test portion.
Subject-wise weightage in NEET-PG
Part A and B
the subject-wise distribution of weightage across Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry are 17, 17, and 16 questions, respectively. And in Part B, the subject-wise distribution of questions across Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, and Social & Preventive Medicine are 25, 20, 20, 10, and 25 questions, respectively.
Part C
Part C will include 45 questions from General Medicine, Dermatology, Venereology, and Psychiatry, and General Surgery, Orthopedics, Anesthesia, and Radio Diagnosis, while Obstetrics and Gynecology sections have 30 questions, and the Pediatrics section has 10 questions. Additionally, ENT and Ophthalmology will each have ten questions.
According to the official test pattern, the objective-type question paper for NEET-PG will include a total of 200 questions. Each candidate will receive +4 points for every correct answer; however, candidates will receive a -1 point reduction for every wrong response. The full question paper will be written in English exclusively. And the candidates are given a stipulated three hours and thirty minutes to solve the NBE’s national level PG admission entrance test.
NEET PG Syllabus
The following is the NEET-PG 2022 syllabus, which covers all of the disciplines and topics included in the test. Candidates can review the essential subjects and prepare for them as necessary.
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Physiology
- Pathology
- Microbiology
- Pharmacology
- Social and Preventive Medicine
- Forensic Medicine
- General Surgery Including Orthopedics, Anaesthesia, and Radiodiagnosis
- Paediatrics
- General Medicine Including Dermatology & Venereology & Psychiatry
- Ophthalmologyordingly
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Chapter-Wise Distribution of NEET-PG subjects
Subject | Sub Topics |
Anatomy | Gross Anatomy, Osteology, Muscular System, Arthrology, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Genito-Urinary System, Endocrine System & Individual Endocrine Glands, Nervous System & Its Components, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Genito-Urinary System, Endocrine System & Individual Endocrine Glands, Nervous System & Its Components, Special Organs of Sensation, System of the Lymphatics, Cross-Sectional Anatomy, Surface Anatomy Microanatomy, Cross-sections of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis to learn about the interrelationships of organs and structures |
Biochemistry | Biological cell, Biomolecules, Enzymes, Metabolic pathways and their regulation, Metabolic interrelationships, Regulation of the metabolic pathways, Food assimilation and Nutrition, Hormones, Molecular Biology, pH, Buffer, Carbohydrate metabolism, Metabolism of Amino acid, Lipid, TCA cycle, Biological oxidation, and Proteinoids, Immunology, Environmental biochemistry, Cancer, and Cancer makers, Physiological buffer systems |
Physiology | Physiology in General, Blood, Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Nerve-Muscle System of the Digestive System, The visceral and motivational systems are combined. EEG, sleep, and higher nervous system functioning, to name a few. Yoga, Special Senses, Nutrition, Reproduction, Kidney, and Environmental Physiology Neurophysiology, Sensory and motor systems in the human body |
Pharmacology | General Pharmacology, Autonomic nervous system & Peripheral nervous system, Central nervous system, Autacoids, Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal and respiratory system, Cataract, Treatment of poisoning, Hormones, Chemotherapy, Immunomodulators, Drug therapy of glaucoma |
Pathology | Introduction to Pathology, Cell Injury, Amyloidosis and Calcification, Inflammation and Repair, Circulatory Disturbances, Growth Disturbances and Neoplasia, Immunopathology, Infectious Diseases, Miscellaneous Disorders, Lymphoreticular System, Reproductive System, Osteopathology, Endocrine Pathology, Neuropathology, Cardiovascular Pathology, Respiratory Pathology, Urinary Tract Pathology, Pathology of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract, Hematopathology, Liver and Biliary Tract Pathology. |
Microbiology | Introduction to Microbiology, Bacteriology, Parasitology, Virology, and Mycology, Bacterial Staining and Cultivation, Common Laboratory Methods for Diagnosis of Fungal Infections, Collection of Transport of Sample, Common Tests for Bacterial Identification, Host-Parasite relationship. Bacterial AND Viral Genetics, Immunity to infection, Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infections, Immunodiagnostic, Vaccines, Sterilization and disinfection, Bacteriology of water and air, Gastrointestinal infections are caused by various parasites, Microorganisms associated with gastrointestinal infections (bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi). |
Forensic Medicine | Forensic pathology, Clinical forensic medicine, Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Psychiatry Disorders of Pigmentation, Allergic disorders, Papulosquamous disorders, Papule vesicular disorders, Forensic Sciences; General, Clinical, Environmental, and Analytical toxicology |
Medicine Dermatology & Venereology | Common clinical disorders, Drug therapeutics, Diagnostic and investigative procedures, Leprosy, Fungal infections, Scabies, Pediculosis, STD, Malignant Skin disease |
Social and Preventive Medicine | History of Public Health, Concepts in Public Health, Epidemiology and Research Methodology, Nutrition, Environmental Health, Demography, Mental Health and Education Technology, Environmental Sanitation, Demography, and Family Planning, Mental Health, Epidemiology of Specific Diseases, Entomology, Biostatistics, Health Planning, and Public Health Administration, Recent Advancements in Public Health and Miscellaneous topics, Sociology, School, Occupational, Urban Health |
Surgery, ENT, Orthopaedics, and Anaesthesia | Diagnose with reasonable accuracy all surgical illnesses including emergencies, surgical knowledge of head, spine, chest abdominal, and pelvic injury; Knowledge about various surgical techniques such as venesection, tracheostomy, and endotracheal intubation, circumcision, a biopsy of surface tumors, Comprehensive diagnosis of common Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) diseases, including the emergencies and malignant neoplasm of the head and neck; Use of a head mirror, otoscope, and indirect laryngoscopy; Possess knowledge of various ENT rehabilitative programs, Therapeutic Orthopedics, Knowledge on splinting, Manual reduction of common fractures and dislocations, and Recognised metabolic bone diseases. Acquire knowledge of pre-anesthetic checkups andic medications; simple general anesthetic procedures, anesthetic records, cardio-pulmonary brain resuscitation (C.P.B.R.) methods. |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Basic Sciences-Normal & abnormal development, Structure and function of female & male urogenital systems, Endocrinology of the reproductive system, Gametogenesis, fertilization Physiology of normal pregnancy, Diagnosis of pregnancy, Anemia in Pregnancy, Carcinoma Cervix, Epidemiology, Staging diagnostic procedure, Role of hormones in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Humoral and cellular immunology in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Treatment of Menopause and related problems, Contraception, Neonatology, and Recent Advances |
Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy | Identify and diagnose all aspects of Emergency Room Radiology, Basic hazards & precautions in Radio-diagnostic practices, need for various radio-diagnostic tools in medical practice, learn about various imaging techniques, including isotopes C.T., Ultrasound, M.R.I., and D.S.A., knowledge about radioactive isotopes and their physical properties, identify symptoms & signs of various cancers & steps of investigations management, The Central Nervous System, the Respiratory System, and the Gastro-Intestinal Tract |
Pediatrics | Growth and development, Nutrition, Immunization, Infectious Diseases, Contraception, Neonatology, and Recent Advances Hematology, Cardiovascular system, Genito-Urinary System, Neonatology, Pediatric Emergencies, Fluid-Electrolyte Genetics, Behavioral Issues, Pediatric Surgical Issues, and Therapeutics |
Psychiatry | Social and Behavioral Sciences, Memory, reasoning, and problem-solving are all aspects of the cognitive process. Personality (Principles of Personality Development) and objective testing of Personality assessment, Intelligence: general concepts and techniques Introduction to psychiatric disorders and their categorization, Psychiatric Disorders: Aetiology Addiction to drugs and alcohol, personality problems, counseling, and psychological treatments Psychological testing |
Ophthalmology | The eye’s anatomy and development, Ophthalmology clinical techniques, Theoretical foundations of ocular treatments, Refraction and optics, Conjunctivitis is a conjunctival disease. Corneal disease, Sclera disease. uveitis, lens, uveitis, uveitis, uveitis, Vitreous, Retina, Glaucoma Neuro-ophthalmology, and vision, Nystagmus, and Strabismus. Lid disease is a condition in which the lids become inflamed. Systemic ophthalmology is a branch of ophthalmology that deals with Ophthalmology in the Community, Topics that don’t fit into any of the other categories |
Subject | Sub Topics |
Anatomy | Gross Anatomy, Muscular System, Osteology, Arthrology, Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Digestive System, Endocrine System & Individual Endocrine Glands, Genito-Urinary System, Nervous System & Its Components, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Genito-Urinary System, Endocrine System & Individual Endocrine Glands, Nervous System & Its Components, Special Organs of Sensation, System of the Lymphatics. Cross-Sectional Anatomy, Surface Anatomy Microanatomy, cross-sections of the chest, Study about abdomen and pelvis to learn about the interrelationships of organs and structures. |
Biochemistry | Biological cell, Enzymes, Biomolecules, Metabolic pathways, metabolic interrelationships their regulationCarbohydrate metabolism, Lipid, metabolism of Amino acid, TCA cycle, proteinoids, and biological oxidationRegulation of the metabolic pathways, nutrition, Food assimilation, Hormones, pH, Molecular Biology, BufferPhysiological buffer systems, Immunology, Environmental biochemistry, cancer and cancer makers |
Physiology | Physiology in General, Blood, Cardiovascular System, Nerve–Muscle System of the Digestive System, Respiratory System. The visceral and motivational systems are intertwined. EEG, sleep, and higher nervous system functioning, to name a few. Yoga, Special SensesNutrition, Reproduction, Kidney, and Environmental Physiology NeurophysiologySensory and motor systems are intertwined in the human body. |
Pharmacology | General Pharmacology, Central nervous system, Autonomic nervous system & Peripheral nervous system cardiovascular, Autacoids, Gastrointestinal and respiratory system treatment of poisoning, cataracts.Chemotherapy, HormonesDrug therapy of glaucoma, Immunomodulators |
Pathology | Introduction to Pathology, Amyloidosis and Calcification, Cell Injury, Circulatory Disturbances, Inflammation, and RepairGrowth Disturbances and Neoplasia, Infectious Diseases, Immunopathology, Miscellaneous DisordersCardiovascular Pathology, Urinary Tract Pathology, Respiratory Pathology, Pathology of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract, Liver and Biliary Tract Pathology, HematopathologyLymphoreticular System, Osteopathology, Reproductive System, Endocrine Pathology, Neuropathology |
Microbiology | Introduction to Microbiology, Bacteriology, parasitology, Virology, and Mycology, Bacterial Staining and CultivationCommon Laboratory Methods for Diagnosis of Fungal Infections, Collection of Transport of SampleLaboratory Diagnosis of Viral InfectionsStandard Tests for Bacterial IdentificationImmunodiagnostic, Vaccines, Sterilization and disinfection, Bacteriology of water and air host-Parasite relationship. Bacterial AND Viral Genetics, Immunity to infection parasites cause gastrointestinal infections. Microorganisms associated with gastrointestinal infections (Bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi). |
Forensic Medicine | Forensic Pathology, Clinical forensic medicine, Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic PsychiatryForensic Sciences, General, clinical, environmental, and analytical toxicologyDisorders of Pigmentation, Allergic disorders, Papulosquamous disorders, Papule vesicular disorders |
Medicine Dermatology & Venereology | Common clinical disorders, drug therapeutics, diagnostic and investigative proceduresLeprosy, Fungal infections, Scabies, Pediculosis, STD, Malignant Skin disease |
Social and Preventive Medicine | History оf Public Health, Соnсeрts in Public Health, Eрidemiоlоgy аnd Research MethodologyEрidemiоlоgy оf Specific Diseases, Entomology, Biostatistics, Health Рlаnning, аnd Public Health AdministrationNutrition, Environmental Health, Demоgrарhy, Mental Health аnd Eduсаtiоn Technology, Environmental Sanitation, Demоgrарhy, аnd Family Рlаnning, Mental HealthReсent Advancements in Public Health аnd Miscellaneous tорiсs, Sосiоlоgy, Sсhооl, Оссuраtiоnаl, Urban Health |
Surgery, ENT, Orthopaedics, and Anaesthesia | Diagnose with reasonable accuracy about all surgical illnesses including emergencies. Study about various surgical knowledge of head, spine, chest, abdominal, and pelvic injury. Know about various surgical techniques such as venesection, tracheostomy, and endotracheal intubation, circumcision, a biopsy of surface tumors.Therapeutic Orthopedics, knowledge of Splinting, Manual reduction of common fractures and dislocations, and recognition of metabolic bone diseases. Acquire knowledge of pre-anesthetic checkups and medications; simple general anesthetic procedures, anesthetic records, cardio-pulmonary brain resuscitation (C.P.B.R.) methods. Comprehensive diagnosis of common Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) diseases, including emergencies and malignant neoplasm of the head and neck. Learn to use a head mirror, otoscope, and indirect laryngoscopy. And possess knowledge of various ENT rehabilitative programs. |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Bаsiс Sсienсes-Nоrmаl & аbnоrmаl develорment, struсture аnd funсtiоn оf femаle & mаle urоgenitаl systems, endосrinоlоgy оf the reрrоduсtive system, Gаmetоgenesis, fertilizаtiоnRоle оf hоrmоnes in Оbstetriсs & Gyneсоlоgy, Humоrаl аnd сellulаr immunоlоgy in Оbstetriсs & GyneсоlоgyРhysiоlоgy оf nоrmаl рregnаnсy, diаgnоsis оf рregnаnсy, Аnemiа in Рregnаnсy, Саrсinоmа Сervix, eрidemiоlоgy, stаging diаgnоstiс рrосedureTreаtment оf Menораuse аnd relаted рrоblems, Соntrасeрtiоn, Neоnаtоlоgy, аnd Reсent Аdvаnсes |
Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy | Identify and diagnose all aspects of Emergency Room Radiology, Basic hazards. Precautions in Radio-diagnostic practices. Learn the need for various radio-diagnostic tools in medical practice & various imaging techniques, including isotopes C.T., Ultrasound, M.R.I., and D.S.A. Learn about radioactive isotopes and their physical properties. Study on how to identify symptoms & signs of various cancers & steps of investigations management.The Central Nervous System, the Respiratory System, and the Gastro-Intestinal Tract |
Pediatrics | Growth and development, Nutrition, Immunization, Infectious Diseases, Contraception, Neonatology, and Recent Advances HematologyCardiovascular system, Genito-Urinary System, Neonatology, Pediatric Emergencies, Fluid-Electrolyte Genetics, Behavioral Issues, Pediatric Surgical Issues, and Therapeutics |
Psychiatry | Social and Behavioral Sciences, Memory, reasoning, and problem-solving are all aspects of the cognitive process. Personality (Principles of Personality Development) and objective testing of Personality, Intelligence: general concepts and techniques for assessment, Intelligence: general concepts and methods Introduction to psychiatric disorders and their categorisationPsychiatric Disorders: Aetiology Addiction to drugs and alcohol, personality problems, counseling, and psychological treatment psychological testing |
Ophthalmology | The eye’s anatomy and development, Ophthalmology clinical techniquesRefraction and optics, Conjunctivitis is a conjunctival disease. Corneal disease is a condition that affects the cornea. Sclera disease is a condition that affects the sclera. uveitis, lens, uveitis, uveitis, uveitis, Vitreous, Retina, Glaucoma Neuro-ophthalmology, and vision, Nystagmus, and StrabismusThe lacrimal apparatus are afflicted with this illness. It’s an orbital disease. Injuries to the eye’s Theoretical foundations of ocular treatment. Lid disease is a condition in which the lids become inflamed. Topics that don’t fit into any of the other categoriesSystemic ophthalmology is a branch of ophthalmology that deals with Ophthalmology in the Community. |
NEET-PG Dental Sciences syllabus
The list of topics required for the NEET-PG MDS is as follows:
• Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
• General Surgery
• Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics
• Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology
• General human physiology and Biochemistry
• Public Health Dentistry
• Prosthodontics and Preventive Dentistry
• Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge
• Oral Medicine and Radiology
• General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics
• General Anatomy including embryology and histology
• Periodontology
• Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
• Dental Materials
• General Pathology and Microbiology
• Dental Anatomy, Embryology & Oral Histology
• General Medicine
NEET PG 2022 – Subject-wise Distribution of Marks
The NEET PG exam will be divided into three sections, each with a different number of questions. Section A will consist of 50 questions, Section B will consist of 100 questions, and Section C will consist of 150 questions. The marking scheme will be the same throughout all the sections, and the paper will be worth 1200 points. The following is the subject-wise weightage of each section in the NEET PG exam:
Section | Subject | Marks |
Section A | Biochemistry | 16 |
Physiology | 17 | |
Anatomy | 17 | |
Total Questions | 50 | |
Section B | Microbiology | 20 |
Social and Preventive Medicine | 25 | |
Pharmacology | 20 | |
Pathology | 25 | |
Forensic Science | 104 | |
Total Questions | 100 | |
Section C | General Medicine (including Dermatology, Psychiatry, and Venereology) | 45 |
ENT | 10 | |
General Surgery (including Orthopedics, Anaesthesia, and Radiodiagnosis) | 45 | |
Pediatrics | 10 | |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 30 | |
Opthalmology | 10 | |
Total Questions | 150 |
Previous year Analysis of NEET-PG
As per the NEET-PG paper analysis of the 2020 session, the overall difficulty of the question paper was moderate, and the question paper was mainly focused on clinical knowledge. Some of the questions had very confusing answers, and overall, the test takers rated the paper lengthy.
NEET PG comprises three sections Part A, Part B, and Part C. The difficulty level for each section are mentioned in the below points:
● Part A was easy as compared to the previous year.
● Part B was moderate and a little more complex than the previous year.
● Part C was the most challenging section of the paper and exceedingly lengthy.
Check- NEET PG 2021 Exam Analysis
Subjects | Topics | Types of Questions |
Pediatrics | Side Effects of Drugs | Clinical based |
Medicine | Emergencies, their management, next best investigation, confirmatory tests, the drug of choice Staging of Cancer (Lung). | Grading, classification types,age-based, management of disease according to lab findings Or pathology slides. |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology | USG based findings and Clinical scenarios. | Partographs |
Forensic Medicine | PCC, CrPC, post mortem findings, and images. | Images |
Community medicine | Biostatistics, Communicable/non -communicable diseases (causative agent, primary/ secondary host, modes of prevention, health programs, and diagnostic clinical findings of a disease) | – |
Radiology | MRCP image of the liver | Images |
Orthopedics | Questions based on a given x-ray (image) | Images |
Biochemistry | Direct questions | Theory-based |
Result of NEET-PG
The NEET PG result will be available in PDF format on the NBE website. Candidates who pass the examination can download their scorecard/rank card by logging into their NBE account. The result will be presented in the form of a merit list, which will be compiled based on the performance of candidates in the entrance exam. Candidates are encouraged to save a hard copy of their results for reference during the counseling process. The roll number, candidate’s name, section-by-section score, and qualifying status will all be included in the result.
Time Management Tips for NEET-PG
Let’s start with a look at the courses you’ll be studying in the first year. Although the reference books and certain concepts may vary per college, everyone will have a similar theme.
Set a Daily and Weekly Schedule
Time is your most valuable asset in NEET-PG. To keep organized, make a timetable of all your chores and utilize a calendar. As a planner, you can use a notebook or journal or an internet program on your computer or phone. List key tasks with set timelines first, such as tests, appointments, and meetings.
Develop a Habit of Consistency
It’s challenging to adhere to a pattern in a medical college. But it’s essential to have a semblance of a schedule to study for the competitive exams without creating hassles in work life. It becomes simpler to focus with consistency. This is especially true when it comes to sleep routines before examinations, as all-nighters and a lack of sleep may negatively impact your efficiency, vitality, and attention. Set a bedtime for yourself every night, so your body doesn’t have to continue adjusting to new habits.
Prioritise and Schedule Study Blocks
Rather than cramming study time between other activities, set up specific periods for NEET PG topics and stick to the plan you’ve prepared. The easiest approach to guarantee that you spend adequate time on your studies every day is to schedule regular study blocks. Prioritize study materials as well so that you can master course information depending on results. It’s difficult to memorize every bit of knowledge during NEET PG preparation. Therefore you can’t be a perfectionist here. Instead, determine the importance of each subject or concept and devote adequate study time to it.
Take Time Off
With the ongoing posting and taking care of the patients, it takes a different level of persistence and resilience to study for NEET PG. But sometimes, the pressure can be overwhelming and might disturb the exam preparations. NEET PG is one of the challenging exams of the country. So, you need to be aware of your mental and physical health. As a doctor, you must understand yourself first to pursue and diagnose others properly. So, if you feel like taking a break for a while anytime, whether it’s for a short vacation or to focus on your study, apply for the Time-Off. If you take some time off, you’ll be less likely to feel overwhelmed by your NEET PG study materials and timetable. Practice yoga, meditation, or do something that keeps you calm and happy. When you’re stressed, go for a stroll, meet a buddy for lunch. Make time for your hobbies or passions other than study materials.
How to select the best books for NEET PG?
One of the most important responsibilities for every applicant is to select the finest books for the NEET PG 2022 test. Selecting the proper and appropriate NEET PG 2022 study material is critical for the candidate’s preparation. So, if you’re having trouble choosing the finest books for NEET PG 2022, simply keep the following factors in mind.
- Candidates can use Quora responses to receive recommendations from professionals all across the country.
- Look up book reviews on Google, in the newspaper, or magazines.
- Try to connect with specific social media sites, such as Goodreads, where candidates may quickly learn about the finest books for NEET PG preparation.
- Check with online coaching centres; they often provide a list of books and other preparatory materials.
- Check out the NBE’s most recent NEET PG exam pattern and syllabus. Then, in an online manner, look for study material from numerous sources.
- For NEET PG preparation, always use the most recent edition of the books.
For candidates to crack the PG medical test, books appear to be the finest NEET PG
preparation materials. Candidates must prepare adequately using the greatest study material to pass the NEET PG exam. Candidates can review the list of finest NEET PG books below, compiled by some of the most illustrious authors.
Dr. Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute Books for NEET PG Preparation
If you are preparing for NEET PG, and you are looking for books that have a concise explanation, with important questions and highlights, then go for Dr.Bhatia Publication Books
List of best books for NEET PG preparation
Subjects | Books name | Author Name |
Anatomy | Self-assessment and review of Anatomy | Rajesh Kaushal or MCQ book by Dr. Raviraj |
Biochemistry | Self-assessment and review of Biochemistry | Rebecca James |
Pharmacology | Review of Pharmacology | Gobind Rai Garg and Sparsh Gupta, Ranjan Patel |
Pathology | Review of Pathology and Genetics | Sparsh Gupta & Devesh Mishra |
Forensic Medicine | Self-assessment and review of basic anatomy and forensic medicine | Arvind Arora |
Pediatrics | Review of Pediatrics and neonatology | Taruna Mehra or OP Ghai |
Microbiology | Review of Microbiology and immunology | Rachna Chaurasia or Apurba Sastry or Ananthanarayan and Paniker’s |
Surgery | Surgery essence | Pritesh Singh SRB |
Medicine | Complete review of medicine for NBE | Deepak Marwah or Mudit Khanna |
Physiology | Review of Physiology | Dr Soumen Manna, Dr Krishna Kumar |
PSM | Community medicine (PSM) | Vivek Jain |
ENT | ENT for entrance exam | Manisha Sinha and Sachin Budhiraja |
Ophthalmology | Comprehensive Ophthalmology | AK Khurana Ruchi Rai |
OBS and Gynae | Self-assessment and review of obstetrics & Gynecology | Sakshi Arora |
Radiology | Review of Radiology | Rajat Jain |
Dermatology | Review of Dermatology | Saurabh Jindal |
Orthopedics | Orthopedics quick review | Apurv Mehra |
Psychiatry | Review of Psychiatry | Praveen Tripathi |
Anesthesia | PROAFS Anesthesia for NBE | Profs by Vivek Jain |
Image-Based | Final Edge image-based | Deepak Marwah |
To ace your NEET PG exams, you need to enroll in PG coaching centers. PG Coaching Institutes provide the NEET PG mock test. Mock exams offered by PG coaching schools are an essential component of your preparation strategy. You can take the help of E-Gurukul in your journey of NEET-PG.
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