The subject of pharmacy is rated as one of the most elaborate and interesting ones in NEET PG. The students need a lot of time to become familiar with all the topics in which the subject is taught. Many things need to be memorized when studying Pharmacology.
Studying Pharmacology can be challenging because you need to remember all that you have read. A candidate appearing for the NEET PG examination is required to revise several times. Besides, students are also required to develop the right strategy that will help them to channel their energy in the right direction.
Using mnemonics to assist in learning this material has been extremely useful for many of the NEET PG toppers. Keeping in mind that Pharmacology has an extensive syllabus, you shouldn’t get discouraged once you master it—once you learn it, you will have an edge over your competition for NEET PG.
Here are a few mnemonics that will assist you in your NEET PG preparations.
Pharmacology Mnemonics
Muscarinic effects | SLUG BAM | Salivation/ Secretions/ SweatingLacrimationUrinationGastrointestinal upsetBradycardia/ Bronchoconstriction/ Bowel movementAbdominal cramps/ AnorexiaMiosis |
MPTP: mechanism, effect | MPTP | Mitochondrial Parkinson’s-Type Poison.· A mitochondrial poison that elicits a Parkinson’s-type effect. |
Steroid side effects | CUSHINGOID | CataractsUlcersSkin: striae, thinning, bruisingHypertension/ Hirsutism/ HyperglycemiaInfectionsNecrosis, avascular necrosis of the femoral headGlycosuriaOsteoporosis, obesityImmunosuppressionDiabetes |
Narcotics: side effects | “SCRAM if you see a drug dealer” | Synergistic CNS depression with other drugsConstipationRespiratory depressionAddictionMiosis |
Hypertension: treatment | ABCD | ACE inhibitors/ AngII antagonists (sometimes Alpha agonists also)Beta blockersCalcium antagonistsDiureticsBeta blockers:B1 selective vs. B1-B2 non-selectiveA through N: B1 selective: Acebutalol, Atenolol, Esmolol, Metoprolol.O through Z: B1, B2 non-selective: Pindolol, Propanalol, Timolol. |
Hypertension | “CHASM”: | Cererbral vasospasm / CHFHypertensionAnginaSuprventricular tachyarrhythmiaMigranes |
Sex hormone drugs: male | “Feminine Males Need Testosterone” | FluoxymesteroneMethyltestosteroneNandroloneTestosterone |
Disulfiram-like reaction inducing drugs “PM PMT” as in Pre Medical Test in the PM: | PM PMT | ProcarbazineMetronidazoleCefo (Perazone, Mandole, Tetan). |
Ca++ channel blockers: uses | CA++ MASH: | Cerebral vasospasm/ CHFAnginaMigranesAtrial flutter, fibrillationSupraventricular tachycardia |
Morphine: side-effects | MORPHINE | MyosisOut of it (sedation)Respiratory depressionPneumonia (aspiration)HypotensionInfrequency (constipation, urinary retention)NauseaEmesis |
Delirium-causing drugs | ACUTE CHANGE IN MS | Antibiotics (biaxin, penicillin, ciprofloxacin)Cardiac drugs (digoxin, lidocaine)Urinary incontinence drugs (anticholinergics)TheophyllineEthanolCorticosteroidsH2 blockersAntiparkinsonian drugsNarcotics (especially meperidine)Geriatric psychiatric drugsENT drugsInsomnia drugsNSAIDs (eg indomethacin, naproxen)Muscle relaxantsSeizure medicines |
Tricyclic antidepressants: members worth knowing | “I have to hide, the CIA is after me”: | Clomipramine Imipramine AmitriptylineIf want the next 3 worth knowing, the DNDis also after me:Desipramine Nortriptyline Doxepin |
Adrenoceptors: vasomotor function of alpha vs. beta | ABCD | Alpha = Constrict.Beta = Dilate. |
Serotonin syndrome: components Causes | HARM | Hyperthermia Autonomic instability (delirium) Rigidity Myoclonus |
Torsades de Pointes: drugs | APACHE | Amiodarone Procainamide Arsenium Cisapride Haloperidol Erythromycin |
Migraine: prophylaxis drugs | “Very Volatile Pharmacotherapeutic Agents For Migraine Prophylaxis” | VerapamilValproic acidPizotifenAmitriptylineFlunarizineMethysergidePropranolol |
Antirheumatic agents (disease modifying): members | CHAMP | CyclophosphamideHydroxychloroquine and chloroquineAuranofin and other gold compoundsMethotrexatePenicillamine |
Opioids: mu receptor effects | “MD CARES” | MiosisDependencyConstipationAnalgesicsRespiratory depressionEuphoriaSedation |
Antiarrhythmics: classification | I to IV MBA College | In order of class I to IV: Membrane stabilizers (class I)Beta blockersAction potential widening agentsCalcium channel blockers |
Pulmonary infiltrations inducing drugs | “Go BAN Me!” | GoldBleomycin/ Busulfan/ BCNUAmiodarone/ Acyclovir/ AzathioprineNitrofurantoinMelphalan/ Methotrexate/ Methysergide |
Cancer drugs: time of action between DNA->mRNA | ABCDEF | Alkylating agentsBleomycinCisplatinDactinomycin/ DoxorubicinEtoposideFlutamide and other steroids or their antagonists (eg tamoxifen, leuprolide) |
Busulfan: features | ABCDEF | Alkylating agentBone marrow suppression s/eCML indicationDark skin (hyperpigmentation) s/eEndocrine insufficiency (adrenal) s/eFibrosis (pulmonary) s/e |
Antiarrhythmics: class III members | BIAS | BretyliumIbutilideAmiodaroneSotalol |
Physostigmine vs. neostigmine | LMNOP | Lipid solubleMioticNaturalOrally absorbed wellPhysostigmine |
Auranofin, aurothioglucose: category and indication | Aurum is latin for “gold” (gold’s chemical symbol is Au). | Generic Aur- drugs (Auranofin, Aurothioglucose) are gold compounds.· If I didn’t learn yet that gold’s indication is rheumatoid arthritis, AUR- Acts Upon Rheumatoid. |
Beta 1 selective blockers | “BEAM ONE up, Scotty”: | Beta 1 blockers:EsmololAtenololMetropolol |
MAOIs: indications MAOI’S: | Melancholic [classic name for atypical depression]AnxietyObesity disorders [anorexia, bulimia]Imagined illnesses [hypochondria]Social phobias· Listed in decreasing order of importance.· Note MAOI is inside MelAnchOlIc. | |
Antimalarial Drugs | “Prima queen celebrated many festivals” | Prima= PrimaquineQueen = QuinineCelebrated= ChloroquineMany= MefloquineFestivals= Antifolates |
Antihelminthic Drugs | Nematode hate AMP | AlbendazoleMebendazolePyrantel pamoate |
Clinical Uses of Metronidazole | ABCDEFGH | A = Amebiasis and Anaerobic streptococci infections B= Bacteroides infection C= Clostridium perfringens infection D= D-medinensis infectionE= pseudomembranous enterocolitis and Entameba infection F= Fusobacterium infection G= Giardiasis and gardnerella infection H= H pylori ulcer |
Anti-AIDS Drugs | “No new Indian entered Pakistan” | No= Non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors New= Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitorIndian= Integrase strand transferase inhibitors Entered= Entry inhibitorsPakistan= Protease inhibitors |
Side-effects Produced By cholinomimetics | DUMBLESS | D= Diarrhoea. U= Urination urgency M= Miosis. B= Bronchoconstriction L= Lacrimation E= emesis & excitation S= salivation S= sweetening |
Contraindications of cholinomimetics | CAPI | C= coronary insufficiency (because they dec heart rate) * this C also indicate these are contraindications of Cholinomimetics A= asthma (because they cause bronchoconstriction so…) P= Peptic Ulcer (because they cause increase in secretions) I= intestinal obstruction (they cause increase motility ) |
Anticholinergics | Aunty in school trimming her Nails | Aunty= atropine (nonselective muscarinic blocker) In= ipratropium (nonselective muscarinic blocker) School= scopolamine (nonselective muscarinic blocker) Trimming= trimethoprim (ganglion blocker)Her= Hexamethonium (ganglion blocker) Nails= Nicotine (ganglion blocker) |
Non selective muscarinic Blockers | A 4 atropine | A= ankh (Eye) mydriatic and cycloplegic (used in measurement of refractive disorders because it will make you pupil big so disorders will be seen easily) A= antispasmodic because they relax GIT and bladder A= antisecretory agent in lower respiratory tract (Preanesthetic use) A= Antidote in case of cholinesterase inhibitors |
Uses of Amphetamine | A naughty child depressed her Aunt. | A= amphetamine Naughty= Narcolepsy Child= CNS stimulant \Depressed= Depression treatment Her= Hypotension Aunt= Appetite control |
Beta Blockers | The NEPAL prime minister | The= timidolol N= Nadolol E= Esmolol P= Pandolol A= Atenolol L= Labetalol Prime= propranolol Minister= metoprolol |
Clinical Uses of Alpha Blockers | PMDC | P4= Pressure Blood Pressure Hypertension Pheochromocytoma Penile erection phentolamine and yohimbine mediated Peripheral vascular disease M= Migraine D= Disorders related to sleep & psychotic disorders C= Congestive cardiac failure |
Clinical uses of Beta blockers | MAG took MAHA | CNS M= migraine A= anxiety EYE G= Glaucoma ThyroidTook= thyroid storm CVS (MAHA) 2 M= Myocardial infarction + Cardiomegaly A= Angina + arrhythmias H= Hypertension + Heart failure A= Aortic aneurysm + with alpha blockers to treat pheochromocytoma |
Side effects of beta blockers | BBC London TV | B= Bradycardia and hypotension B= Blood Pressure drop And BronchoconstrictionC Cough London lipid metabolism disturbance (Beta 3) T= Tiredness V= Vivid dreams and yawing |
Contraindications for Beta Blockers | ABCDE | A= asthma B= Heart Block C= COPD and cough D= Diabetic (as beta 2 releases insulin and we are going to inhibit Beta 2 so patient will be on risk) E= electrolyte imbalance (hyperkalemic patient at risk) |
Histamine Effects | Histamin | H= HCl Production I= Inflammation S= Strong vasodilation T= Therapeutic value none A= Allergy M= By Mast cells I= Ig E N= Narrow airways (bronchoconstriction) |
H1 Blockers | DiDi promotes cycling | Di= Diphenhydramine Di= Dimenhydrinate Promotes= Promethazine Cycling= cyclizine |
Clinical Uses of H1 Blockers | DiDi have mobile NGO | Have= hay fever Mobile= anti motion sickness use NGO= angioedema |
H 2 Blockers | FRaNCeTidine | F= Famo + tidine= Famotidine OR= Rani + tidine = ranitidine N= Niza + tidine = NizatidineC= Cime + tidine= Cimetidine |
Uses of H 2 Blockers | GPS Dr | G= GERD P= Peptic ulcer S= Stress related gastroenteritis Dr= Dyspepsia |
Uses of Ergot Alkaloids | HOME | H= Hyperprolactinemia (Bromocriptine is release inhibitor of prolactin) Also used in Parkinsonism O= Obstetric Bleeding Ergotamine and Ergonovine erg containing members are used because they causes strong vasoconstriction so they will stop bleeding M= ergotamine used in migraine in acute attacks and in prophylaxis E= expel baby out (abortion and miscarriage) because they produces powerful uterine contractions (Ergonavine is prototype) |
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors | NCB (National commercial bank’s employers) in medical examination. | Isoform 1 N=nNOSneuronal C= cNOS epithelial B= bNOS epithelial Isoform 2 In= iNOS Macrophages Medical= mNOS muscles smooth Isoform 3 Exam= eNOS endothelial |
Uses of Nitric oxide | NO papa | NO= uses of NO P= Pressure Blood pressure control hypertension A=antianginal nitro-glycerine P pulmonary hypertension and in penile erection maintenance in erectile dysfunction A antioxidant and antithrombotic |
Side-effects of Nitric oxide | TOTM | T= tachycardia by baroreceptor reflex O= orthostatic hypotension T= throbbing headache M= methemoglobinemia |
ACE Inhibitors | Pril sisters | captopril and enapril |
Side effects | HTC | H= hyperkalemia T= teratogenic C= cough |
Precipitating factors of asthma | Diplomat | D = Drugs (Aspirin + NSAIDS + Beta antagonists) and DNA mean genetic factors I= Infections (URTIs and LRTIs) P= Pollutants (at work and at home) L= laughter (emotions) O= Obesity M= Mites A= activity (exercise) + atopic disease T= temperature (cold) + Tobacco (smoking) |
Learning mnemonics makes learning boring and complex medical terms interesting, as well as easy to memorize. For exams like the NEET PG, learning mnemonics saves a lot of time and gives students the confidence to perform better. Experts at e-gurukul have created the best way to learn Pharmacology.
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