NEET SS Exam Pattern
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The NEET SS Exam Pattern enables the candidates to grasp the exam structure. NEET SS is a nationwide entry examination for DM/M.Ch program admission. It will cover roughly 40% of the questions during the eligible feeder speciality training (s). 

Also, they will post the remaining 60 per cent of questions via an online application form for the super speciality course chosen by the candidate. 

You may select a maximum of two super-specific programs for which you are eligible. NBE can group certain super specialities with a reduced overall intake.

For each super speciality course or club group, a different question paper will be available. The test will examine around 100 questions, separated into two sections, Part A and Part B. All questions are at the PG exit level.

CategoryMedical Entrance Exams
Name of the OrganizationNational Board of Examination, New Delhi (NBE), Official Website
Name of the ExaminationNEET SS 2021 – Super Specialty Entrance Exam

NEET SS Exam Pattern

Aspirants may select a maximum of two super-speciality programs suitable for NEET SS 2021. It would help if you mentioned that the authorities provide a unique Question Paper for each highly specialized or clubbed course. Aspirants may take the NEET SS 2021 test pattern from the following table:

Mode of NEET SS conduction 2021Computer Based Test (CBT)
Types of NEET SS 2021 questionMCQs
Medium of question patternEnglish
Duration for one Paper of NEET SS 20211.45 hours
Duration two SS Paper3.30 hours
NEET SS 2021 marking scheme4 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for one wrong attempt
Total number of questions100

NEET SS question paper pattern

Interested candidates in the NEET SS test 2021 may refer below to increase their preparation for the examination.

Question PaperNo. of MCQStipulated Time (min.)

NEET SS Syllabus

After learning the test pattern to improve their preparation, candidates may follow the examination syllabus for NEET SS 2021. Since you may separate the questions into two sections, Parts A and B, the NEET SS 2021 can be referred to in part.

Part-A Syllabus

  • Part A of the questions paper shall be MCQs from the eligible feeder specialty course for any super-specialty system (s).
  • If a candidate is selected for only one feeder-wide specialty course, Part A will only include questions from one wide-ranging specialization. In that situation, For example, MS/DNB General Surgery is MCH’s sole wide-ranging feeder specialization. Thus part A will contain questions of General Surgery.
  • Part-A will include questions from all qualifying feeder-wide specialty classes for Super-Specialty courses with multiple feeder-wide specialty courses. For example, General medicine, pediatrics, and respiratory medicine are the qualifying feeders for comprehensive specialties in cardiology.
  • Therefore, in Part-A, questions from each of the three extensive specialty feeder courses (General, Pediatric & Respiratory Medicine) are included in the Cardiology question paper.

Part-B Syllabus

  • It consists of 60 questions from the super specialty concerned.
  • These questions will be from PG Exit subjects that deal with clinical and fundamental sciences as applicable to the super-specialty concerned.

The Scheme:

  • Each applicant can select a maximum of two super-specialty courses in NEET SS 2021
  • You must conduct the super-specialty training under NBE qualifying requirements

The Sections in Question Paper

The question paper would have two portions according to the NEET SS exam pattern 2021. In Section One, or Part A, You will ask 40 issues. They are part of the candidate’s extensive specialist training, as specified by NEET SS 2021 qualifying requirements.

  • If a super-specialist course only has one comprehensive specialization, just one subject is covered in Part A of the question paper.

E.g., Onco-pathologic pathology is the only feeder route. Part A thus includes questions from pathology exclusively for those candidates who have selected onco-pathology as their Super-Specialty degree.

  • If a super specialty course has two or more comparable extensive specialty courses, all the broad topics in Part A of the question paper are

E.g., General, pediatric, and respiratory health are the Pulmonary Medicine Feeder courses. Thus, Part A will include questions from all three courses for applicants who have selected Pulmonary Medicine as their super-speciality course.

The other 60 questions are discussed in the second portion or Part B. These are from the candidate’s super-speciality course. The questions in this part are based on the themes of clinical practice and fundamental science as appropriate.

The PG exit level will cover all issues in this test. No set NEET SS 2021 curriculum is available. All the topics studied during the undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications can be answered as questions. However, the subjects to be prepared are confined to the feeder course and super-specific course chosen by the candidate.

Clubbing Criteria

NBE has developed a group of super-specialized courses with fewer seats. The super-speciality course was organized into a single extensive feeder course. These cluster courses will be considered as a single training throughout the application procedure of NEET SS 2021.

For students who choose the super speciality course combined, the NEET SS 2021 pattern is:

E.g., cardiac anaesthesia, anaesthesia and critical care for organs, and nervous anaesthesia were combined. The comprehensive feeder course in anaesthesiology for all of these courses. For those applicants:

  • Part A will have Anaesthesiology questions alone. Part B of the Question paper will include Cardiac Anesthesia, Organ Transplant Anaesthesia, Critical Care, and Pediatric and Neonatal Anaesthesia.
Cardiac AnesthesiaOrgan Transplant Anaesthesia & Critical CarePaediatric and Neonatal AnaesthesiaSurgical Gastroenterology/GI SurgeryHepato Pancreato Biliary Surgery
NeonatologyPediatric GastroenterologyPediatric CardiologyPediatric NephrologyPaediatric OncologyPediatric HepatologyVascular SurgeryCardiovascular and Thoracic SurgeryThoracic SurgeryPaediatric Cardio-thoracic Vascular Surgery
Gynaecological OncologyReproductive Medicine and Surgery
NeurologyPediatric NeurologyNeuroradiologyInterventional Radiology

Way to Answer Correctly

  • The examiner may reply in any order to the question.
  • Furthermore, both parts use the same grading method as the national testing board, the examining authorities (NBE).
  • It is also advisable to circulate the responses carefully since They will not consider questions with numerous replies.
  • Candidates must reply to their questions over the assigned total time since no more time for any candidate is provided.

Test-Day Procedures

  • The Official Authority has set the procedures for the next test day by the COVID-19 standards.
  • Applicants must report to the exam center as specified on the admission card of the NEET SS.
  • Inside, the candidate’s friends or family are not permitted.
  • For verification, the applicant must flash the admission card and ID evidence.
  • Candidates who have above (>99.14 Degree F) temperature or show any signs of infection with COVID-19 can subsequently take an exam in a separate isolation laboratory.
  • There will be no frisking (both body pat and HHMD).
  • Candidates’ finger biometrics are not recorded.
  • This time no manual attendance is taken.
  • Also, the applicant would not take a signature and ink fingerprint.

Marking Scheme

The National Board of Examination will decide on the NEET SS 2021 grading system (NBE). For both parts, the marking system remains the same. According to the marking scheme, for each correct response, the candidate shall receive four marks, and they will remove one mark if he answers any questions incorrectly. If the question is left unexpected, no modifications will be affected.

Candidates have one hour and 45 minutes to try the question paper for a single super speciality course. A candidate can apply for a maximum of two excellent speciality courses under the NEET SS 2021 examination pattern. A total of 3 hours 30 minutes will be available for applicants who have applied for two methods to test the question papers for these two courses.

  • For every correct attempt, +4 mark.
  • 1 Mark was deducted for the wrong shot.
Correct Attempt+4 Mark
Incorrect Attempt1 Mark Deduction(25%)

Result and Counselling

NBE states that NEET has a merit list of super-speciality results, i.e., for every Super Specialty course, there is a separate merit list. They shall achieve no equation/scaling and standardization. The merit is created exclusively based on the marks the applicant has completed, and the specified tie-break criterion is applied. Candidates with a 50 percentile or above level must be considered qualified in each super-specific merit list.

Counselling Schedule

EventDate (tentative)
Online Registrationto be announced
Choice Filling and Locking
First Allotment List
Second Round Registration
Choice Filling and Locking
Second Allotment List
Reporting under Second Allotment
Mop Round Registration Last Date
Mop Up Round Choice Filling
Reporting under the First Allotment

The NEET SS Exam is one of the students and their careers’ most relevant examinations. Studies are already underway, and it is now time for students to realize and go on with their hidden skills. The entire curriculum and marking scheme has been mentioned above; students should note the marking method carefully. They must target each section carefully to achieve their desired scores and get to their selected colleges.

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