Self-discipline is a very important skill to master if you want to learn and grow in your life. It will not only help you ace your academic career but will make you better equipped to manage numerous challenges that your future throws at you.

Surely, as a student, there will always be subjects you don’t love and periods of disturbance in your life, which is why it is so necessary to develop the self-discipline needed to succeed through those times of less motivation. Remember, you might not always be motivated to achieve something, but it is your dedication that will get you through. Even if it is something that doesn’t come naturally to you, there are ways to find and develop strategies.
Just what specifically is self-discipline and how can it relate to students?
Self-discipline means improving oneself and making improvements to one’s thoughts and behaviours to improve oneself. For students, this can mean: keeping yourself concentrated on assignments or in classes, not getting yourself puzzled during lectures or times of study and making sure that you’re on track with deadlines. This is especially essential once you enter college, where you will need to rely on yourself and only yourself to reach your scholastic goals.
The global coronavirus pandemic has attained the point where schools, colleges, and educational institutions around the country and the world have closed down to try and stop the spread of the deadly virus. This is unusual and everyone is trying to cope to the best of their capabilities. Students and institutional organisations too are opting for the online mode to continue their studies and instructions.
Flexibility is the biggest benefit any student can derive from online learning. Students can study whenever and wherever they want to and can focus their study schedules around existing duties and responsibilities.
However, if you’re not well-prepared, online education can present some unique difficulties too. Understandably, maintaining discipline is one of the biggest challenges you may face. To obtain the most of an online learning atmosphere, students need to work on their self-discipline by decreasing the possibility of disturbances and managing their time productively. Here are some ways by which online students can become self-motivated students and make the most of the online learning environment:
Make a routine
Just like regular classrooms have ‘Time-tables’ that are adhered to, to make the most of an online learning environment, you must stick to a plan. This will bring about the discipline that is needed to sit down at an assigned time each day and learn. Sometimes, you may even need to tell your siblings and others in the house that you are studying and would like not to be disrupted! It is also true that following a routine like that of a regular day, does help to cope better with the continuous uncertainty and ambiguity.

Eliminate disturbances
From Netflix and social media to friends asking you to join online for a quick game, you’ll face many disturbances that can easily hinder your studies. Growing scholars know how to lessen these distractions and set aside time to focus. Set up a workspace separate from disturbances such as the phone or TV and then remunerate yourself with those things after you’re through with what needs to be ingested for the day. If you’re still having difficulty tolerating the temptation to check your messages on the phone or to surf the web, try downloading a website blocker. It will help eradicate distractions by limiting the apps or websites that tend to compete for your attention.
Set goals
Set short-term and long-term purposes and allow yourself to celebrate on fulfilment of those goals by compensating yourself with your favourite dessert or taking a short break to listen to your favourite song. These small things which you look forward to will help keep you motivated. Your goals can be connected to achieve mastery of a topic or attempting a practice test. The purpose is to keep learning and achieving things.
Enjoy the adaptability
Just as self-discipline is key to productive learning in an online environment, the significance of enjoying the flexibility that online learning gives, cannot be undermined. You now have the option of attending Live Classes from your favourite couch or bean bag, so why not grasp it! Take small breaks to be with your pet or just take a walk around the house, before you sit down to study again.
Interact with teachers and fellow students
Never shy away from using technology to connect with your friends and teachers online. Most of the online learning platforms give several ways to connect online – whether it is answering questions during discussions, or connecting with teachers beyond the classrooms via the mobile applications – you can do it all. Since the students have no face-to-face communication with their online teachers, effective and precise communication is most significant. Feel free to use the online discussions to give study tips, ask topics, and discuss study topics and clear doubts. You may still keep time to connect with your peers via video calls. The aim is to stay connected and technology helps do just that.
Eat well and sleep well
Staying at home during nation-wide lockdown brought about by COVID-19 is obliged to elicit several sentiments – ranging from being bored and helpless to feeling tense and anxious. We must take care of ourselves well in these conditions. Remember to eat well and take proper relaxation. A wholesome body is our best bet right now. So, stay protected and stay healthy!
The only thing that online learning needs is positive discipline. You need to realise that this is not vacation time for you. Take command of your progress by becoming self-disciplined. Remember, it is the discipline and not the desire that defines your future. Growing a trustworthy attitude towards online learning will help you to accomplish your academic goals. Mere motivation to do well won’t be sufficient for shaping your career forward. Active discipline and honesty are actual game-changers.
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