Medicinal terminologies
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Medical terminology refers to terms used in medicine to describe various diseases, medical processes and conditions. These consist of medical procedures, diseases, disorders, and pharmacology. Medical terminologies refer to the vocabulary used in the medical profession to describe the body, what it does, and the treatments and the prescriptions that are needed.

In this article, you will find an entire list of useful terms to use and understand your medical profession better. 

Basic terminologies

Medical terms for Patient status

S. noNameDetails
1.AcuteThe patient who needs immediate care
2.CriticalPatient out of the normal range and maybe unconscious
3.InpatientThe Patient who needs hospital admission
4.ObservationA state where the physicians will decide by seeing the condition of the patient whether the patient should be admitted or discharged from the hospital
5.OutpatientThe Patient status who is not in the hospital for the care. This includes one-day emergency or clinic visits or same-day surgeries

Medical terms for condition and diseases

S. noNameDetails
1.AbrasionScrape affects the skin and can be treated at home
2.AbscessPuss-filled pocket happens due to infection
3.AcuteThe Condition which starts and end quickly
4.AneurysmThis is a bulge in the artery which weakens the artery and can also cause rupture
5.Aortic dissectionThis is the tear in the inner layer of the aorta
6.BradycardiaIt slows down the heart rate
7.BenignIt refers to a tumour that is not cancerous or malignant
8.ChronicA recurring or persistent condition
9.CyanosisIn this, the skin turns bluish and lacks oxygen in the blood
10.ThrombosisBlood clot in the vessel that affects the flow of blood
11.EdemaBy fluid accumulation, swelling happens
12.FractureBroken or cracked bone
13.HypertensionIn this the blood pressure became high
14.HypotensionIn this. the blood pressure became low
15.Malignantrefers to tumours that have cancerous cells
16.CancerIn this,Note the body cells became out of control as this is a collection of diseases that also cause abnormal functioning of the body
17.TumourIt is related to cancer where swelling occurs
18.RemissionThe disease is constant as it is not getting worse
19.Normal sinus rhythmThe normal heartbeats are between 60 to 80 beats per minute in an adult
20.SepsisIt is the imbalance of the body which affects the tissues and organs of the body
21.BiopsyIn this process a small tissue sample is taken for the testing so that we can find o\if there is any disease or extent is present
22.ContusionThis is a bruise from the impact
23.DiagnosisThis is the process of identification, where we get to know the diseases by the evaluation of the tests and the other factors
24.EmbolusThis is the blood clot, bubble of air, or any other obstacle which interferes with the flow of blood in the affected vessel
25.Atrial fibrillationThis is the condition when the muscles result in irregular pulse and low blood flow
26.IschemiaThis is caused by the lack of blood flow in the parts of the body which can refer to heart-cardiac ischemia.
27.Tension pneumothoraxThis is occurred by the collapsed lungs as the air leaks and there is a space between the chest wall and the lungs
28.Pericardial effusionIn this, the blood is leaking in the pericardium which is surrounded by the heart
29.Myocardial infarctionThis is called heart attack as in here when the arterial blockage is present which result in reduced blood flow and chest pain too
30.Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)The other name is stroke, this occurs due to the blockage or any rupture of the blood vessels as then the brain is deprived of blood and oxygen.
31.AnginaThis is the symptom of coronary artery disease, where there is reduced blood flow and chest pain occurs.

Tools and types of equipment and medication terms

1.EndoscopeIt’s a tube that is flexible and has lighting and a camera fixed on it so that we can see into the body. And there are different types of endoscopes are present
2.FoleyA flexible tube enters the urethra to drain the bladder, it is an indwelling catheter
3.FluoroscopeIt is called an X-ray machine which is used for the still images
4.StethoscopeIt checks the person’s heartbeats and breathing and it is a very small piece of equipment
5.Intravenous(IV)It is the fluid that is inserted through the veins
6.EpiduralA local anaesthetic injection is used to relieve the pain during labour
7.SublingualIt is known as blowing the tongue
8.NocteIt means for at night, which refers to when the medication is administered
9.ManeIt means in the morning, which refers to when the medication should be administered
10.ODIt means Once daily (medication)
11.BDSIt means to take two times per day (medication)
12.TDSIt means taking three times per day (medication)
13.QDSIt means taking four times per day (medication)
14.PRNIt means take as needed (medication)
15.PRIt means taken rectally (medication)
16.POIt means taken by month (medication)
17.IV pushIt’s a rapid injection of medication
18.NSIt means normal saline which is called the mixture of salt and water produced by the body

Medical jargon/slang

1.Champagne tapA lumbar puncture undertaken without any red blood cells found in it. 
3.ThreadyThis indicates the large issues and refers to the weak pulses which are disappearing because of pressure
4.Golden hourThis refers to the high chances of successful treatment

Medical procedures and tests

1.Blood cultureIt is the test by which we can find any bacteria, fungi in the person’s blood
2.Blood gasThis is the test that shows the components which are gas based in the blood which includes oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH balance, etc.
3.Blood pressureThis test measures the good circulation of blood as the normal blood pressure is about 120/80 for adults
4.Blood swabIn this test blood sample is taken on the cotton stick
5.Bowel disimpactionIn this, there is the manual removal of fecal matter from the person’s rectum
6.Central lineHere the catheter is present in the large vein which allows multiple IV fluids and to draw the blood easily
7.C-sectionIt is the shorthand for the surgical delivery of the baby through the abdominal wall
8.pulse/oxIt is called pulse oximetry, which measures the saturation of oxygen in the blood
9.DialysisIt is the process of blood cleaning of those people whose kidneys are failing
10.PulseIt measures the pulsating artery
11.Intubationassists the person in breathing through the endotracheal tube
12.Laparotomyis a surgery that involves the abdominal wall
13.Lumbar puncturerefers to spinal tap
14.SternotomyThis refers to the surgical opening of the breast bone
15.ThoracotomyThis refers to the surgery in the chest cavity
16.Tox screenRefers to the toxic analysis of blood is done in case of a drug overdose, for the purpose of identifying the drug
17.UltrasoundThis refers to the image diagnostic by the sound waves of high frequency
18.VenipunctureThis is a drawing of blood from a vein

Medical abbreviations

1.ALOCstands for Acute Loss of Consciousness
2.ASAis known as acetylsalicylic acid also called aspirin
3.BMIstands for Body Mass Index, this is the process of measuring the fat of the body based on height and weight.
4.BPIt stands for Blood Pressure
5.BLSstands for Basic Life Support
6.CAT scanIt stands for computerised axial tomography
7.CHFstands for Congestive heart failure
8.CPRIt stands for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, this is also called the mouth-to-mouth technique to save someone’s life
9.DNRstands for Do not resuscitate
10.DOAIt stands for DEad on arrival
11.ED/ERIt stands for emergency department and emergency room
12.EEGis used to measure the activities of the brain
13.EKG/ECGIt stands for Electrocardiogram, this is used to record the electric signals in the heart
14.EMSIt stands for Emergency medical services
15.HRstands for Heart rate
16.KUBIt stands for Kidney, ureter, and bladder x-ray, this is used for the abdominal pain diagnosis
17.LFTIt stands for Liver Function Test
18.MIRIt stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in this process we use large magnets and radio waves to see inside the human body.
19.NICUIt stands for Neonatal intensive care unit
20.NSAIDIt stands for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
21.ORIt stands for operating room
22OTIt stands for Occupational therapy
23.Psychrefers to the psychiatric ward.
24.PTIt stands for physical therapy
25.RxThis is the shorthand of the medical prescription and also signifies some other treatments
26.U/AThis is called urinalysis; we can say the process of testing the urine.


From the above terms it is clear that with respect to the medical profession there are multiple medical terminologies present for dealing with different situations. The medical terms for patient’s conditions and treatments are different or for the diseases and much more other terms as these terminologies are important so that we can be familiar with the things. Other than that we can say that it is another language in the medical profession. Get in touch with our team at DBMCI for more information on the medical profession and how to build a successful medical career. 

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