List of Medical Mnemonics
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Memorizing and recalling medical terms can be intimidating, as every branch of medicine comprises various topics. Mnemonics can help NEET-PG aspirants remember complex medical terms, concepts, treatments, and subjects with several new terminologies and a time crunch. These creative and straightforward phrases promise to make serious learning and complex medicine great fun. What’s more, mnemonics can effectively improve your exam scores.

Understanding the value of mnemonics

Mnemonics help us correlate our prior knowledge with a new piece of complex information. You can use your creativity to design new mnemonics by yourself. These are simple phrases or small groups of words that provide an immediate recall and help you retrieve information without vigorously straining your memory. Using mnemonics is an easy way to remember and retrieve multiple topics and terminologies, and learning with them is a great way to memorize medical concepts. It can considerably mitigate the stress of exam preparations.

Medicine: The science of restoring health

Medicine comprises multiple specialties like cardiology, neurology, pathology, and endocrinology. Using mnemonics in medicine can level up how you memorize intricate terms.

Let us scroll through some common medicine mnemonics.

S. No.TopicDetailsMnemonic
1Anesthesia machine room checkMonitorsSuctionMachine checkAirwaysIV equipmentDrugsMS MAID
2General anesthesia: equipment check before inducingMasksAirwaysLaryngoscopesEndotracheal tubesSuctionMALES
3Spinal Anesthesia AgentsLidocaine, Bupivacaine, Procaine, TetracaineLittle Boys Prefer Toys
4Depression: major episode characteristicsSleep disruptionPsychomotor retardationAppetite changeConcentration lossEnergy lossDepressed moodInterest wanesGuiltSuicidal tendenciesSPACE DIGS
5Kubler-Ross dying process: stagesDenialAngerBargainingGrievingAcceptanceDeath Always Brings Great Acceptance
6Suicide-risk screeningSexAgeDepressionPrevious attemptEthanol abuseRational thinking lossSocial support problemsOrganized painNo spouseSicknessSAD PERSONS
7B-vitamin namesThiamineRiboflavinNiacinPyridoxineCobalaminThe Rhythm Nearly Proved Contagious
8Folate deficiency causesAlcoholismFolic acid antagonistsOral contraceptivesLow dietary intakeInfectionCeliac sprueDilantinRelative folate deficiencyOldPregnantA FOLIC DROP
9Aortic regurgitation: causesCongenitalRheumatic damageEndocarditisAortic dissectionMarfan’sCREAM
10Aortic stenosis: characteristicsSyncopeAnginaDyspnoeaSAD 
11Heart valvesTricuspid valvePulmonary semilunar valveMitral valveAortic semilunar valveThugs Push Me Around
12Beta-blockers: cardioselectiveBetaxololAcebutololEsmololAtenololMetoprololBeta-blockers Acting Exclusively At Myocardium
13CHF treatmentLasixMorphineNitritesOxygenVasopressorsLMNOP
14Myocardial infarction: complicationsDeathArrhythmiaRuptureTamponadeHeart failureValve diseaseAneurysm of ventriclesDressler’s syndrome thrombo-Embolism RecurrenceDARTH VADER
15Heart valve sequenceTricuspid Pulmonary Mitral AortaTry Pulling My Aorta
16JVP waveformArterial contractionSystole Klosure of tricuspid valveMaximal arterial liningEmptying of atriumASK ME
17Basic management of MIBed restOxygenOpiateMonitorAnticoagulantReduce clot sizeBOOMAR
18Signs and symptoms of MIPersistent chest painUpset stomachLightheadednessShortness of breathExcessive sweatingPULSE
19MI managementOxygenBeta-blockerASAThrombolyticsMorphineAce prnNitroglycerineO BATMAN
20White Blood Cell countNeutrophilsLymphocytesMonocytesEosinophilsBasophilsNever Let Monkeys Eat Bananas
21Causes of life-threatening chest painPulmonary embolismEsophageal ruptureTension pneumothoraxMyocardial infarctionAortic dissectionCardiac tamponadePET-MAC
22Ipecac- ContraindicationsComatoseConvulsingCorrosivehydroCarbon4 Cs
23JVP: raised JVP differentialPericardial effusionQuantity of fluid raisedRight heart failureSuperior Vena Cava obstructionTricuspid stenosisPQRST
24MI: immediate treatmentDiamorphineOxygenGTN sprayAspirin 300mgStreptokinaseHeparinDOGASH
25Rapid Sequence IntubationSuctionOxygenAirway equipmentPositioningMonitoring EtCO2SOAP ME
26Shock: signs and symptomsThirstVomitingSweatingPulse weakAnxiousRespirations shallowCoolCyanoticUnconsciousBP lowEyes blankTV SPARC CUBE
27Shock: typesRespiratoryNeurogenicCardiogenicHemorrhagicAnaphylacticMetabolicPsychogenic SepticRN CHAMPS
28Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH): causesBerry aneurysmArteriovenous malformationTraumaStrokeBATS
29Tension pneumothorax: signs and symptomsPleuritic painTracheal deviationHyperresonanceOnset suddenReduced breath soundsAbsent fremitusX-ray shows collapseP-THORAX
30Diabetic complicationsKidneyNeuromuscularInfectiveVascularEyeSkinKNIVES
31Anterior mediastinal massesTeratomaThymomaTesticular-typeT-cell4 Ts
32Lung cancer: main sites of metastasesBoneLiverAdrenalsBrainBLAB
33Esophageal cancer: risk factorsAchalasiaBarret’s esophagusCorrosive esophagusDiverticulosisEsophageal webFamilialABCDEF
34Lung cancer: notorious consequencesSuperior Vena Cava syndromeParalysis of diaphragmEctopic hormonesEaton-Lambert syndromeClubbingHorner syndromeSPEECH
35Mole: signs of troubleAsymmetryBorder irregularColor irregularDiameter > 0.5 cmElevation irregularABCDE
36Prognostic factors: cancerPresentationResponse to treatmentOldGood interventionNon-compliance with treatmentOrder of differentiationStage of diseaseIll healthSpreadPROGNOSIS
37Abdominal assessmentDistentionRigidityGuardingEviscerationRebound tendernessMassesDR GERM
38Altered level of consciousness: reasonsAlcoholEpilepsy, electrolytes, encephalopathyInsulin Overdose oxygen Underdose, UremiaTrauma, TemperatureInfectionPsychogenic, PoisonStroke, ShockAEIOU TIPS
39Cause of symptoms arisingOnset of eventProvocation or palliationQuality of painRegion and radiationSeverityTimeOPQRST
40Neurovascular assessmentPainPallorParesthesiaPulseParalysis5 Ps
41Trauma assessmentDeformitiesContusionsAbrasionsPenetrationsBurnsTendernessLacerationsSwelling and symmetryDCAP-BTLS
42Vomiting: non-GITAcute renal failureBrainCardiacDKAEarsForeign substancesGlaucomaHyperemesis Gravidarum InfectionABCDEFGHI
43Glasgow coma scaleVisual responseVerbal responseVibratory response3 V’s
44Mental state examinationAppearance and behaviorMoodSpeechThinkingBehavioral abnormalitiesPerceptionCognitionUnderstanding the conditionAssessed Mental State To Be Positively Clinically Unremarkable
45HistorySigns and symptomsAllergiesMedicationsPast medical historyLast mealEventsSAMPLE history
46Abdominal swelling: causesFatFecesFluidFlatusFetusFull-sized tumorsFull bladderFalse pregnancy9 Fs
47Head trauma: rapid neuro examPsychological statusPupils: size, symmetry, reactionPaired ocular movementsPapilloedemaPressure (BP)Pulse and rateParalysis, ParesisPyramid signsPinprick sensory responsePee (incontinence)Patellar reflexPtosis12 Ps
48Ocular bobbing vs. DippingBobbing is fastDipping is slowIn both, the initial movement is downBreakfast is fastDinner is slowBoth go down
49Family historyBlood pressureArthritisLung diseaseDiabetesCancerHeart diseaseAlcoholismStrokeMental health disordersBALD CHASM
50Past Medical History (PMH)Vices (tobacco, alcohol, etc.)AllergiesMedicationsPre-existing medical conditionsTraumaHospitalizationsImmunizationsSurgeriesVAMP THIS


NEET-PG mainly assesses the aspirant’s understanding and knowledge of the subject. Preparing for and covering a vast syllabus of medicine in a short period can be frustrating and stressful. Mnemonics can serve as handy memory aids that enrich your knowledge entertainingly. Using such memory tactics can help foster an interest in medicine as we become more confident in memorizing and recalling vital terms and concepts.

eGurukul by DBMCI is a popular online platform with a proven record of tutoring many NEET-PG toppers. It offers an absorbing collection of video lectures delivered by India’s eminent academicians. It has a vast array of mnemonics to help you memorize critical terms and become confident about facing NEET-PG. The intuitive app enables students to refresh their knowledge even while on the go. Trust eGurukul to assess your learning, identify areas of improvement, browse through helpful learning tips, and clear your doubts from the top medical experts.

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