NEXT or National Exit Test has become the talk of the hospitals. The recent introduction has left students startled. There are a lot of different views on the change. While some students find it to be extremely beneficial for a long-term purpose, others are finding it difficult in terms of less preparation time and an extremely competitive internship hunt.
The underlining idea of India making for more qualified and expert doctors is appreciated, but students find themselves lost with the way to prepare for the examinations.
Earlier with NEET-PG students had a few months to prepare for their PG post-internship, however, with NEXT this time has substantially reduced and final year MBBS students are somewhere finding time as a hurdle. Students need to realize that NEXT is helping them prepare for NEET-PG as well and it is a systematic process. How is NEXT benefiting with PG preparations?
NEXT is divided into two parts, NEXT-1 and NEXT-2. A successful result of part-1 brags you an internship and makes you eligible for part-2 which passed would make you eligible for PG. The exam is inter-linked and both the parts are judging you based on the knowledge you have grabbed over your undergraduate MBBS years. NEXT-1 is a highly competitive one that is catering to the same 19 subjects that would have otherwise been studied for NEET-PG as well. The only difference is highlighted on the marks distribution for various subjects. Your pre-clinical and para-clinical subjects hold fewer marks and clinical will be given more weightage.
Remember that your subjects remain the same only the pattern of questioning has changed. Your subjects remain equally important like before. Integrated learning will give you deep exposure to the internships and you can derive more fruitful results out of it.
How do you prepare that you are able to combine your NEXT and PG preparations?
Basics hold quite a lot of importance. There are expectedly 540 MCQ questions with 10% from basic applied sciences and 10% from PSM. Others will be concept-based. To make your way through this test answering concept-based questions correctly is the key. You really need to build in strong basics to have a good grip over such questions. Practice more and more of MCQs and mock tests to sharpen your skills. One-liners can clear your basics.
Focus more on concept-based questions, clinical cases as they will be the core of your test. For this make sure you do not leave any doubts unanswered and are thorough with your subjects. Generally, rote learning along with elimination techniques, students found it easy to make through the exam, but these two won’t do much good now. You will have to pay closer attention to your weaker subjects. After frequent revisions, you will be able to derive an understanding from the subjects and would be able to relate to them well.
Do not leave any subject completely. Every topic, sub-topic should cross your eyes at least twice. Multiple revisions are necessary. NEXT exam pattern examines the overall potential and cognitive and practical skills of the aspirant. Questions no longer will be formed from any one subject in particular, but a clinical scenario would be served to you. The overlapping nature of medicine will make it difficult for the students. Thus, ensure you have done all your subjects well.
2022 batches will be facing NEXT for the first time, and no one can pre-analyze what and how to study. The core is that part-1 will be formed from all the subjects and knowledge one has gained as an undergraduate. Thus the only preparation strategy to rely on is thoroughly doing the subjects. For the most obvious reasons, working on case studies is integral to medical preparations now. Closely follow cases and refer to books that offer you in-depth clinical studies.
Start with the previous year’s question papers and bump into question banks to broaden your horizons. Try from the beginning to develop a holistic approach towards concepts. Initially, you may find it difficult, but with revisions, you will be able to correlate your learnings.
As the students are worried about NEXT due to less time to prepare, ideally it is suggested to prepare and revise simultaneously. Do not leave things for later months but study with the aim of clearing your NEXT. Early preparations can leave you time for timely revisions later on.
These were a few ways you can make certain changes to your usual study pattern and prepare yourself for NEXT. Do not think that things have changed from NEET-PG. The ideas remain constant only the pattern has changed. You should confidently study your subjects and revise timely.
In the end, the aspirants are advised to develop a better understanding of the concepts instead of worrying about the exam pattern. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Follow us for more updates on medical sciences.
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