INI CET MDS 2024 Important Topics
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The INI-CET MDS  is a highly competitive exam for postgraduate dental courses at premier institutes like AIIMS, JIPMER, NIMHANS, PGIMER, etc. Given the vast syllabus, focusing on high-yield topics across the 19 subjects covered in the exam is essential. Below is a comprehensive guide on the most important topics for each subject to help streamline your preparation.

Read this article carefully to learn more about the benefits of studying subject-specific important topics for INI-CET MDS. Additionally, learn how INI-CET MDS previous year question paper can help students to better prepare for the test. 

Most Important Topics for INI CET MDS 19 Subjects

Here’s a table outlining the most important topics for 19 subjects for INI-CET MDS preparation:

AnatomyMuscles of mastication, Cranial nerves, Parasympathetic ganglia of Head and Neck, ⁠Tongue, Pharynx, ⁠Larynx, Cranial Foramina, Cleft lip and Plate, Soft palate, Cavernous Sinus, Tonsil
BiochemistryInhibition in Enzymes, Rate limiting enzymes of different pathways, ⁠Isoenzymes, ⁠Gluconeogenesis, ⁠Glycogen Storage Disorders, Isoelectric point of Amino Acids⁠, Phenylketonuria, ⁠Alkaptonuria, ⁠Sphingolipidosis, ⁠Lipoprotein Metabolism, ⁠Enzymes in Molecular Biology⁠, Water Soluble vitamins, ⁠Fat-soluble Vitamins, Electron transport chain
PhysiologyHomeostasis, JG apparatus, Aldosterone, ADH, Blood cells, Structure and contraction of skeletal muscle, Nerve potentials, Smooth muscle properties, Nerve fibre classification and functions, Deglutition, ANS, Transport of gases, Lung volumes and capacity, Cerebellum, Gastric acid secretion, Sensory receptors, Tubular transport, Cardiac cycle, Prolactin and oxytocin, Thyroid hormone, Growth hormone, Poiseuille law, Taste, Vision, Auditory pathway
Stages of tooth development, Enamel, Dentin, Cementum, Pulp, Periodontal ligament, Salivary glands, Oral mucous membrane, Eruption and shedding
Chronology, Tooth morphology, Tooth numbering system, Phylogenetic classes of teeth, Occlusion, Basics of dental anatomy ( line angle, point angle, cusp, ridge, fossa, mamelons, embrasures)
MicrobiologySterilization and disinfectants, Antibodies and interactions, Hypersensitivity, Immunodeficiency diseases, Tuberculosis, Herpes, Candidiasis and types of fungi, Parasitology all notes: high yield, Csf examination, Bacteriology all flow charts and tables
Cell Adaptation:
M/e Reversible and irreversible injury, Eg Of Necrosis, Apoptotic genes
Gel electrophoresis, Pigments & Lipofuscin Free radicals
Cellular events of inflammation, Mediators of inflammation, diseases with complement proteins
Nk Cell, APCS, MHCS, Hypersensitivity reactions; Graft rejection, Amyloidosis
Cell cycle, Important oncogenes and general mutations, Tumor markers, IHC
Eg Of Mandelian disorders, Non mendelian disorder

WBC Disorders:
Acute Leukemia, stains, CD markers, Burkitts lymphoma; Hodgkin’s lymphoma; multiple myeloma 
RBC Disorders: Hereditary spherocytosis, G6PD def, Thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia. IDA 
Platelets: Primary and secondary plug; bleeding disorders, Blood components;  blood collection vial colours
PharmacologyAutonomic Nervous SYSTEM:
Cholinergic drugs, Anti cholinergic drugs, Alpha blockers, Adrenaline
Respiratory System:
Drugs For Bronchial Asthma
Peripheral Nervous system (PNS):
Local Anesthetic Drugs, Skeletal Muscle, Relaxant Mechanism and Antidote
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, Mannitol, Spironolactone, ADH drugs 
Cardiovascular System (CVS):
Anti-Hypertensive Drugs, ACLS Algorathims
Antiemetic Drugs, Drugs for GERD
Drugs For Gout, NSAIDS
General Pharmacology:
Dose response curve, Clinical trials, Enzyme inducers and inhbitors
Diabetes mellitus, Hyperthyroidism
Anti epileptics, SSRI, Opioid, BZD
Anti Microbials:
Antibiotics, TB drugs, AZOLES, Amphotericin B, HIV DRUGS, Metronidazole
Anti-Cancer Drugs:
Common Side Effects
Anti platelets, Anti coagulants, Thrombolytics
Dental MaterialsPhysical and Mechanical Properties, Impression Materials, Dental Waxes, Finishing and Polishing Materials, Dental composites
Cushing’s, Diabetes mellitus, Thyroid Disorders

Nephrotic syndrome, Nephritic syndrome, Acid base disorder 

Bilirubin Metabolism, Viral hepatitis 

Pulmonary function tests, COPD, Pleural disorder, TB

Epilepsy, CVA, Meningitis 

Infective endocarditis, Coronary artery disease and it’s ECG, Valvular Heart disease 

Vasculitis, Rheumatoid arthritis 

Portal Hypertension 

HEMOPHILIA, Leukaemias

HIV, Dengue, Parasitic infections
SurgeryTrauma – ABCDE, Oral Cancer, Suture Materials, Thyroid, Ulcers, Neck swellings, General surgical instruments, Principles of surgery
Oral Pathology1. Odontogenic cyst and Odontogenic tumor
Classification of cyst and tumor, Radicular cyst, Odontogenic Keratocyst, Dentigerous, Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst, Pseudocyst, Ameloblastoma, Odontoma, Squamous Odontogenic Tumor, Pindborgs Tumor, Adenoid Odontogenic Tumor
2. Salivary Gland
Sjogren’s syndrome, Pleomorphic Adenoma, Warthin’s Tumor, Mucoepidermoid, Adenoid Cystic, Acinic Cell Carcinoma
3. Developmental Anomalies

4. Skin Pathology
Lichen Planus, Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Ectodermal Dysplasia
5. Bone Pathology
Fibrous dysplasia, Paget’s, Cherubism
6. Infections
Bacterial, Viral – HHV, HSV, HIV, Fungal – candida
7. Neoplasia
8. Miscellaneous  
All Syndromes, Vascular Malformations, Biopsy  
EndodonticsCariology, Armamentarium in Operative Dentistry, Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation, Bleaching, Tooth Preparation for Indirect Restorations
Oral SurgeryLocal anesthesia landmarks, Orbital trauma and related tests, BSSO and Le Fort 1 orthognathic surgeries, Distractor devices , Classification of fractures, Internal derangement of TMJ, TMJ Ankylosis, Terminologies in pathology management, Osteomyelitis of mandible, Obstructive sleep apnea, Trigeminocardiac reflex
PeriodonticsGingiva, Periodontal microbiology, Composition of Dental Calculus, Clinical features of Aggressive Periodontitis, Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, Patterns of Bone loss, Trauma from Occlusion, Gingival changes in female, Periodontal Instruments, Recession classification, Suturing techniques, Merin’s Recall Classification
ProsthodonticsOcclusal schemes and their indications, Troubleshooting In CD, Finish Lines in FPD, Components of Implants, Indications of components of CPD
PHDEpidemiology, Biostatistics, Screening, Concept of health, Levels of prevention, Indices, Tobacco and related, School dental health programs
OrthodonticsGrowth and Development of Craniofacial Complex, Development of Dentition and Occlusion, Etiology and Classification of Malocclusion, Cephalometrics in Orthodontics, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Biomechanics of Tooth Movement, Biology of Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Myofunctional Appliances, Surgical Orthodontics, Orthodontic Biomaterials, Interceptive Orthodontics including Habits, Expansion and Molar Distalization
PedodonticsChild Psychology, Behaviour management, Oral habits, Dental caries, Development of occlusion, Pediatric endodontics
OMRIndications of Extraoral Radiographs, Radiographic Features and Genes, Associated with Developmental Anomalies, Aids Associated Lesions,

Clinical Based Que Associated with Following Lesions-
Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster, Lichen Planus, Pemphigus, SLE, OSMF

Radiograph Based-
TMJ, Normal Anatomic, Landmarks, Cherubism, Pagets Disease, Fibrous Dysplasia, Hyperparathyroidism, CGCG

How INI-CET MDS Important Questions Benefit Students?

Focusing on the most important topics for the INI-CET MDS November exam provides several benefits that significantly enhance students’ preparation and chances of success:

  1. Being able to quickly identify high-yield topics can dramatically improve how students spend their study time, leading them to answer questions from areas more likely to come in the exam. This makes sure that they are not spending their time on topics which are relatively less important
  2. Focusing on some important subjects is beneficial for students to get the core concepts and grasp them by heart. This results in a stronger knowledge base, which is one of the key components for success in both the clinical reasoning and objective sections of each exam.
  3. Practicing frequently tested topics within a time limit helps students perform better on exams. This is because they become familiar with the question format and can answer quickly and accurately, reducing the risk of negative marking.
  4. Essential topics work as a guide for revision which helps the students to skim out what are exactly needed. These cross-cutting areas will be revisited by them at regular intervals and thus help consolidate their learning, to make sure they are ready on exam day.

By concentrating on high-impact topics, students can maximize their preparation efficiency and increase their chances of scoring well in the INI-CET MDS November. 

Mastering INI-CET MDS: The Power of Practicing Previous Year Questions & Important Topics

Practicing the previous year’s questions is an invaluable strategy for preparing for the INI CET MDS exam. Here are some key reasons why:

  1. Exam Pattern and Difficulty Level
  2. Identify High-Frequency Topics
  3. Improve Time Management
  4. Develop Problem-Solving Skills
  5. Boost Confidence

You can gain a significant advantage in your INI CET MDS preparation by diligently practicing the previous year’s questions. It helps you understand the exam’s nuances, identify important topics, improve time management, develop problem-solving skills, and boost your confidence.


While these topics are considered crucial, it’s essential to cover all subjects and topics in the syllabus to be well-prepared for the INI CET MDS exam. Additionally, practicing with the previous year’s question papers and mock tests can significantly improve your chances of success. Follow our DBMCI MDS website to get the latest updates on INI-CET MDS November 2024. 


Q1. What are the most important topics for General Anatomy in INI-CET MDS 2024?

Answer: Key topics include osteology (bones of the head and neck), muscles, cranial nerves, blood supply to the face and oral cavity, and lymphatic drainage. Be sure to cover anatomical landmarks of the mandible and maxilla.

Q2. Which topics in Oral Pathology should I prioritize?

Answer: Focus on developmental disturbances of teeth, cysts of the oral cavity, odontogenic tumors, precancerous lesions, and oral manifestations of systemic diseases. Moreover, pay special attention to diseases like lichen planus and leukoplakia.

Q3. What is critical to study in General Surgery for INI-CET MDS?

Answer: Emphasize wound healing, cleft lip and palate surgeries, surgical anatomy related to the oral and maxillofacial region, and management of oral cancers. Trauma cases involving the face and oral cavity are also important.

Q4. For Dental Materials, which topics are the most crucial?

Answer: Key areas include properties of dental materials, Dental Cements, impression materials, composite resins, and ceramics. Understanding biomaterials and the recent advancements in dental materials is highly recommended.

Q5. In Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, what should I focus on?

Answer: Prioritize topics such as root canal treatment procedures, pulp biology, periapical infections, traumatic injuries to teeth, and restorative materials like composites and amalgams. Procedures like apexification and revascularization should also be reviewed.

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