FMGE or the so-called “screening exam” is an exam for foreign medical students to practice in India. Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) is held twice every year. The first one comes in June and the other one in December. Every exam has its own hurdles to cross in medicine, be it UG-entrance, Screening exam or PG-entrance. No exam ends in a single mug of coffee. Here is how you need to approach FMGE in 2022. The guide to best books for FMGE 2022 starts from understanding the pattern. Stick to the blog and learn the tactics to crack the FMGE 2022 examination.
Who takes India’s Screening Examination?
Every foreign resident and Indian residents who possess foreign medical degrees have to take FMGE. For students who graduate medical school from foreign countries like the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand no need to take FMGE for practising in India. They can register themselves directly in MCI/NMC. Also, if you have cleared any of the above-mentioned country’s Residency screening exams, again no need to take FMGE. Students from the rest of the countries must take FMGE after graduation. To qualify for the exam, you need to score 150 marks out of 300 in 5 hours. Getting a 50% score is achievable with the correct source, tutoring and guidance.
What is Foreign Medical Graduate Examination?
FMGE has two parts in two different sessions, the morning session and the afternoon session. Both the sessions have 150 questions to solve in 150 minutes. You have to give correct answers to at least 150 questions.
S.No | Part | Session | Total Duration | Starting Time | End Time |
1. | Part A | Morning Session | 2 hours 30 minutes | 9:00 AM | 11.30 AM |
2. | Part B | Afternoon Session | 2 hours 30 minutes | 2.00 PM | 4.30 PM |
- 300 questions – Each part has 150 questions, together 300 questions.
- 300 marks – Each question carries one mark, together a total of 300 marks.
- 300 minutes – The exam allows one minute for solving one question, together 300 minutes or 5 hours.
What are the subjects to study for FMGE?
The entire paper covers a total of 19 subjects that you need to concentrate for cracking this exam. Subjects and their blueprint is given below.
Disclaimer: The blueprint might slightly differ in the exam. Overall weightage remains the same but not so accurate.
Non-Clinical Subjects:
17 marks each:
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
13 marks each:
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Microbiology
10 marks:
- Forensic Medicine
Clinical Subjects:
30 and more marks each:
- General Medicine (33 marks)
- General Surgery (32 marks)
30 marks each:
- Gynecology Obstetrics
- Preventive social medicine (PSM/SPM)
15 marks each:
- Paediatrics
- Ophthalmology
- ENT (Ear Nose Throat – Otolaryngology)
5 marks each:
- Dermatology
- Psychiatry
- Anesthesiology
- Orthopaedics
- Radio diagnosis
- Radiotherapy
I “just graduated” or “soon to be graduate” planning to give FMGE, what should I do first?
In FMGE, there are three important tips you should look into before starting your preparation.
- Good Source: Choosing a perfect source for yourself is very essential. The word “Source” means a “Study Aid” which has video lectures, written notes, a question bank, mock exams, past question solutions and live discussion sessions.
Do you wonder how you will get all these in one “source”? No worries, DBMCI is here for your rescue. DBMCI is India’s oldest PG medical coaching Institute, excelled in it for over 25 years. As good as old, giving toppers in every medical competitive examination. Recently, it has developed its application in the name “e-gurukul”. E-gurukul is a one-stop decision for medical-pg aspirants and fmge aspirants. An ideal option for “Good Source”.
- Great Time: Time is very essential. You need time to sort things out, develop discipline and study. The “Great time” means the ideal period + adequate duration. An ideal period to start preparing is in your final year, intern year or after graduation. Decide it, based on your medical school curriculum. For the entire preparation, you will need an adequate duration of 6 months.
- Best Plot: Before doing anything, you require a plan. The plan should be easy, achievable and practical. Any plan that skyrockets straight to the endpoint won’t work out. It should be small, including breaks and milestones. Your plan should go like this:
- Give an outline blueprint for 6 months
- Schedule subject and revision
- Make day-to-day, and weekly plans.
What is DBMCI Online Learning Platform or What is E-gurukul?
E-gurukul is an online learning platform initiated by DBMCI, constantly working for medical aspirant’s dreams. The application is a buffet of all essential items, topped with smart study resources. You can find basic teaching sources like video lectures, study notes, question banks and mock papers. However, it is not limited just to it. In a mission to implement smart study hacks in exam preparation, E-gurukul optimised the resources. It included revision videos, custom features in question banks, subject-wise evaluations and test-discussion series. The latest edition covers all 19 subjects and is updated according to the pattern of 2021-2022.
The E-gurukul’s test series has different plans:
- BASIC plan test series.
- BASIC PLUS plan test series.
- LMRP– Last Minute Revision Package
For more details, check out DBMCI-E-gurukul website @ www.egurukulapp.com
What are the best books for FMGE 2022 preparation?
Best books for FMGE 2022 preparations is a list of multiple items. Firstly, here is the best of all.
- E-gurukul’s printed notes are more than enough for FMGE preparation. It includes past paper concepts, keynotes and must-knows. Without a second thought, you can stick to the e-gurukul materials. It gives you color print notes with pictures, tables and highlights. Also, DBMCI has LMRP notes covering all 19 subjects specialized for revisions. They are high-end topics, nothing less-nothing extra. Pre-printed notes, save you more time and energy. As they are already organized, proofread by professionals, oriented and ready-made.
- The second-best book would be your handwritten notes. Listen to live classes, prepare your own notes and stick to it. This method gives you a long-standing memory. You remember concepts easily when you write them by yourself. You will have the privilege to personalize the notes according to your wish. And also, you can add extra points from external sources.
- Third, in the list of “best books for FMGE 2022” preparation would be textbooks. Textbooks are treasures, no matter how many new smart study techniques come and go. This method gives you knowledge about almost everything. You won’t miss any advanced details about a concept. For highly competitive exams like INICET, you must study good author textbooks. In the case of FMGE preparation, if you can then take textbooks. It is not mandatory.
- DBMCI written notes are the student’s handwritten notes from DBMCI live classes. The faculty prepares the curriculum for all 19 subjects and conducts live classes for the students. Handwritten notes from the students are available, which you can find online. It would be perfect if you could lend the topper’s pre-used notes. They might have added essentials and marked important topics.
- Lastly, this is a method that suits intellect needs. Those who have mastered all the concepts from all 19 subjects. There is an FMGE question bank authored by Dr Deepak Marwah and Dr Siroj Ahmed named FMGE SOLUTIONS. It is one of the best books for FMGE 2022 preparation. You can buy that online and solve questions.
- Another best book for FMGE 2022 preparation is “Self-assessment and Review of FMGE Examination” authored by Dr Kamal K V. This book is available online for purchase. You can buy it and solve questions.
What other resources help me in my FMGE preparation?
The current tech world has lots and lots of resources and opportunities. All you need to do is spend time gathering them. FMGE preparation resources are wide. Apart from standard subscriptions like DBMCI, textbooks and sources, you can still find other resources online. Such resources offer you a limited number of free questions to solve, high yields to study and mocks to attend. A few of those are social media – Facebook pages, telegram groups and Instagram stories. Thrift shops and e-commerce websites selling pre-used medical books. YouTube gives you tutors providing more knowledge than any other social media. Free offline coaching places where faculties give lectures.
Yet, it consumes more time and energy to gather all of them. You might end up missing keynotes. These resources are not always up to date.
FYI: Great things never come for free, you must invest to yield.
FMGE is India’s screening examination that lets foreign medical degree holders practice medicine in India. This exam is more competitive, where only around 20% of applicants qualify every year. With hard work, perseverance, great study resources and effort, it is achievable. Follow the three mantras during your preparation- good source, great time and best plot. Hope you take this preparation advice seriously and make it to the qualified 20%. DBMCI is wishing you all success in the upcoming FMGE 2022 examination.
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