Ladder to Prepare for NEET PG
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With each passing day and with every crossing hour, each student panics as the exams approach. Even after preparing for months, the last few months before the final exam dates, it is natural for every appearing candidate to feel anxious and stressed. However, it is not the desired feeling. So what exactly a student should do in such times? Is there an ideal way to combat this nervousness? Or is there a golden formula to fit in so perfect that all the solutions flow through our blood veins? If not more, how can one prepare for NEET PG in the last three months to have higher chances of clearing the exam with flying colours?

This blog is the ultimate guide to all your questions. We are here to direct, protect, and counsel you at your every trembling step. Here, you can find on how and in what ways you can pull up your sleeves for the NEET PG. While revising your subjects for maybe a tenth of the time, these small pointers will help you check the entire to-do tasks for your last-minute preparations.

The most obvious and reasonable step is to go through your syllabus. Check and recheck that you have covered every single subject with all chapters and subtopics included. There shouldn’t be any topic your eyes missed. With the exam pattern being objective MCQ it is highly recommended to be thorough with each topic be it of minimum weightage only.

The second step to the ladder would be being aware of the exam pattern and style and brushing teeth with facts like which part of the examination would carry the maximum weightage and accordingly schedule your preparations.  By now, you must be aware that what all subjects demand your most attention and on what sub-topics more concentration is required. After complete revisions, you should devote your time to weaker areas as you still have scope for improvising those and nailing your results.

Sl no Subject Subject wise distribution of questions Maximum marks
Part A
1 Anatomy 17 68
2 Physiology 17 68
3 Biochemistry 16 64
Part B
4 Pathology 25 100
5 Pharmacology 20 80
6 Microbiology 20 80
7 Forensic Medicine 10 40
8 Social and Preventive Medicine 25 100
Part C
9 General Medicine Including Dermatology & Venereology & Psychiatry 45 180
10 General Surgery Including Orthopedics, Anesthesia and Radio-diagnosis 45 180
11 Obstetrics and Gynecology 30 120
12 Pediatrics 10 40
13 ENT 10 40
14 Ophthalmology 10 40
Grand Total 300 1200

Also, a very crucial component for clearing any exam including NEET PG is solving the sample papers and previous year question papers. These are ideal as they not only give you the taste of a real exam but at the same time will help you know where you stand with your revisions and learning. They are great mock sessions to know the time you are taking in a particular section or a subject. These are some little things that matter the most and should be well tested and prepared for.

Now that the exams are overhead, a student has to play smartly in revisions as well. One important thing generally students miss is the I-T-D approach. I-T-D would be the importance of the topic, time consumption, and detailing. Every subject according to the weightage carries its importance. Topics with most weightage aren’t only important but consume quite a lot of time and they have to be studied in deep detail. With MCQ, one can’t afford to skip on a single statement or theory. Pathology, Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Preventive and Social Medicine are generally where one can lose on marks. Thus, right from the preparation stage paying closer attention to these subjects becomes vital.

With such an approach, DBMCI brings a course for last-minute preparation for NEET PG and other competitive exams like AIIMS PG, PGI, etc.  The course LMRP + VIBE (Last Minute Revision Program + Visual Image Based Education) are the keys for one to excel in NEET PG by revising and recalling all the important topics with less time and more detailing (I-T-D approach). The entire course is about 250-300 hours and includes 22 Grand test (GT) + 34 subjects wise test (SWT).

Revisions are important. Though you might have completed the entire syllabus, and even if not, do keep some time in your day for revising what all you have studied today. It is not about gulping the entire thesis or books rather about memorizing them and relating to them at the right hour. Before bed, capture the topics you did in the entire day so that you can start afresh the next morning.

Needless to say, follow a strict time-table and adhere to it. There’s no more time left for wasting at entertainment purposes. Maintain the right healthy balance devoting major time your studies followed with some short breaks where you can relax, sleep, or play a sport. Do keep in mind, ‘all study and no play, makes Jack a dumb boy’ this is a beautiful saying and must be implemented in one’s life. Spend time in meditation or doing yoga or maybe a good run will keep you active and energetic breaking the shackles of monotony curated of the exam stress and NEET PG Books by your side all the while. Also, at the same hour, ensure having a sound sleep pattern. These are the basic things no one has to tell you, but these are what majorly ignored due to exam pressure and stress.

These were some light and easy tricks that can help you step the ladder to success and ultimately to your NEET PG. Wishing you all the luck!

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